Maths at Mendell Primary School

Maths is the study of numbers, shape and patterns

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At Mendell Primary, our aim is for children to leave as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians; who understand that mathematics is an enjoyable, fundamental part of everyday life and the world we live in. We believe that with hard work and a positive growth mind set, all children can achieve a deep understanding of the mathematics that they are learning. 

We have chosen to use Power Maths at Mendell because it enables a consistent, mastery approach with clear progression across the school (from FS2 to Year 6) building on knowledge from year to year with an emphasis on problem solving and investigating maths through everyday situations. It also enables us to embed a growth mindset approach to Maths (which is essential for our pupils) and focuses on helping all children build a deep understanding of maths concepts.

At Mendell, our aim is that all pupils are able to move flexibly between mathematical ideas making connections and developing fluency, mathematical reasoning and ability to solve increasingly sophisticated problems. They will also learn to apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.

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The expectation is that all pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same time. However, decisions about when to progress will be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly will be challenged through being offered increasingly complex problems. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material will consolidate their understanding, before moving on. 

Early Years and Maths

Our curriculum starts from EYFS and is progressive throughout Early Years, KS1, lower KS2, upper KS2 and beyond, which is why we teach Power Maths from F2 through to Year 6 which provides a secure foundation for learners across the school. Our F1 class also follow a Long Term curriculum map which has been provided by external consultants to support the early stages of maths for our learners following ‘Development Matters 2020’. 

We also prioritise Mastering Number in EYFS and KS1 as this supports their mathematical fluency and vocabulary. The teacher provides 4 sessions per week where the children have the opportunity to use practical resources to support visualisation of number, develop subitising skills and learn the foundations of the four operations. 

In Nursery, we focus primarily on the Prime Areas however, we recognise the importance of starting curriculum learning in all subjects with our three year olds.

Continuous Provision activities are set up to provide an enriched learning environment for children to independently apply new mathematical learning and develop ‘Characteristics Of an Effective Learner’. Regular counting opportunities are provided by the practitioners through singing songs, counting while lining up and during snack time also support the children’s developments of mathematics. Adult led activities provide another layer to deepening children’s learning within mathematics.

Fluency is a high priority in our school therefore four additional lessons focusing on a range of arithmetical skills have been timetabled.

Children in Year 1 to Year 6 complete their homework activities using the online homework resource Times Table Rockstars and NumBots which aims to build pupil engagement and consolidate maths knowledge. 

For further information, please contact our Maths lead Mrs Wearing via the school office.

The lead governor for Maths is Mr C Bennett