Governing Body at Mendell Primary School

Essentially, governors work in partnership with the Head Teacher and staff to oversee the work of the school to make sure that it provides high quality education for its pupils. For details of who is on our Governing Body, see the table below.

Instrument of Government

2 parent Governors  - full

1 LA Governor - full

1 Staff Governor - full

1 Headteacher Governor - full

7 Co-opted Governors – 1 vacancy

Governor Attendance

Clerk to the Governors: Andy Moreland (September 2023 – ongoing)

Letter from Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers,

 First, a warm welcome to new children and parents in Foundation and any other children and parents joining the school. As governors we work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. We are there to help shape the school’s future direction and focus but not the day to day management of the school which is the responsibility of the head teacher.

 The task for Governors can be divided into two main roles – providing a strategic overview and acting as a critical friend. In order to fulfill those roles we meet termly and attend the following committees: Full Governing Body committee meets three times a year Finance, Personnel, Pay & Premises committee meets three times a year Standards, Curriculum & SEND committee meets three times a year. Apart from meetings we also visit the school in order to be well informed about aspects of how children are taught and provision of resources.

We are very proud to be Governors of Mendell and are all very committed to getting the best education possible for your children.  We welcome your views and look forward to meeting you at events and around school.

Chair of Governors

Roles of the Governors


• Promote high standards of educational attainment.
• Agree the School Improvement plan.
• Set an annual budget detailing planned spending.
• Approve a staffing structure.
• Make sure that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, in particular that the National Curriculum and Religious Education are taught, and report on pupil's achievement in National Curriculum assessments and examinations results.
• Draw up an action plan following an Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) report.
• Produce policies on a number of issues including Sex Education, SEN.
• Appoint staff, ensuring the implementation of a range of personnel procedures.
• Secure high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour.
• Ensure the health & safety of pupils and staff.
• Develop the strategic plan for the school, acting as a critical friend and ensuring accountability.
• Deal with complaints against the school.

Mendell Primary School has two committee meetings per term;

  • Curriculum, standards & SEND committee

  • Finance, H&S committee