Computing at Mendell Primary School

Our approach to our curriculum at Mendell is based upon: Consistency    Insistency    Ambition

In Computing we use devices to create, store and manipulate data

The Computing curriculum has been planned to:

  • Allow application of learning across the subject for example: In year 6 we have planned a unit on film making. To effectively complete this unit of work, the children need an understanding of how to record audio and video as well as being able to manipulate them. Therefore, in year 4 and 5 children complete a unit of work on ‘digital audio’ and a unit on ‘video’ that will be used and applied in year 6.

Early Years and Computing

Our curriculum starts from EYFS and is progressive throughout Early Years, KS1, lower KS2, upper KS2 and beyond, which provides a secure foundation for learners across the school. Our Nursery class focus on the Prime Areas and start learning the skills of thinking, talking and exploring like a digital citizen by using different technologies.  Further information for how this is built upon and is progressive can be seen on our progression map. EYFS classes are also included on the computing long term plan.

Continuous Provision activities are set up to provide an enriched learning environment for children to independently apply the skills and knowledge they need to better express themselves in the modern world and develop the ‘Characteristics Of an Effective Learner’. For example children use toys which require buttons or levers to be used to make something happen or using ipads to create digital art.

Vocabulary and language development is key within our setting and our well-trained practitioners ask the children questions, role play with the children and model the vocabulary they want the children to understand and use throughout the day. Regular discussions about previous learning take place to help the children know more and remember more in all areas of ‘Development Matters 2020’.

To see how these are built up and are progressive year on year, please see our computing long term plan and computing progression map:

  • Allow overlearning of key concepts in other subjects. for example: Powerpoint presentations, animations and photography skills are used across all other curriculum subjects.  These are planned in at different times to allow overlearning and application of learning in other subjects.

To see this clearly, please see our whole school long term plan:

  • Opportunities to revisit learning. Essential core computing knowledge has been identified and is revisited during ‘Flash Back Friday’ sessions. These are keeping skills sessions where we revisit core knowledge from across a range of subjects to commit to long term memory.

 Please see the Computing Memory Flash Points:

  • Reflect National Association guidance. Mendell Primary has written the computing curriculum using resources from the

 For further information, please see our Computing Medium terms plans:

For further information, please contact our Computing lead Miss Keelan via the school office.

The lead governor for computing is Mr Cowley